The American College of Dentists (ACD) is the oldest major honorary organization for dentists. Its members have exemplified excellence through outstanding leadership and exceptional contributions to dentistry and society. In response to serious problems facing the profession, the American College of Dentists was founded August 20, 1920, by the then leaders of dentistry to elevate the standards of dentistry, to encourage graduate study, and to grant Fellowship to those who have done meritorious work. Each year, worthy candidates are nominated for Fellowship in the College. These visionaries understood the issues facing the profession and the impact that the Flexner report had on medical education and the corresponding Gies report would have on dental education. This initial cohort of Fellows actively participated in the landmark Gies Survey of dental education for the Carnegie Foundation.
Since its inception the American College of Dentists has done much to define, redefine and shape the future of the dental profession. The College is currently involved in a wide range of activities, nationally and locally, to accomplish its mission. These efforts include ethics summits, online courses in dental ethics, the Professional Ethics Initiative, an entry level ethics course, online leadership courses, leadership symposia, a multimedia dental history resource, resource materials for dental schools, a variety of award programs, and more. The American College of Dentists is a nonprofit organization and has long been regarded as the “conscience of dentistry.” In 2020, The American College of Dentists will celebrate its 100th Anniversary- “celebrating a century of service to the profession and the public we serve.”